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Meguiar’s Ultimate Black Plastic Restorer White Liquid – Restores Car Shine 12 Oz

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Product Name
Meguiar’s Ultimate Black Plastic Restorer White Liquid – Restores Car Shine 12 Oz
Product Description

Meguiar’s Ultimate Black Plastic Restorer brings new life to all non-painted exterior plastic vinyl and rubber trim. This car detailing cream is ideal for non-painted bumpers moldings door handles rearview mirror housings and windshield cowlings. Formulated to significantly outlast conventional protectants and trim care products this car plastic restorer creates rich darkness and shine that lasts for weeks and withstands washing and rain. Each application of Meguiar s Ultimate Black Plastic Restorer provides outstanding UV protection prevents aging and protects surfaces from contaminants. The thick hand-applied formula gives you full control over the application eliminating the risk of overspray on the surrounding paint. The non-greasy formula also dries almost instantly and will not streak when treated surfaces get wet. Meguiar s Plastic Restorer only requires a dime-sized drop to get great results. Shake well and simply apply the trim restorer to a clean cool surface using a 100% cotton terry cloth towel or foam applicator pad. Spread evenly and thoroughly onto the desired exterior trim area. Then wipe off any excess black plastic restorer with a clean towel. Multiple applications may be needed for neglected areas. If your exterior gray or black trim isn’t looking as dark or as rich as it used to Ultimate Black Plastic Restorer will revitalize it add a rich car shine and offer much-needed protection to defend against the sun and elements. Reflect your passion for your vehicle with Meguiar’s. Since 1901 Meguiar’s has been driving the art and science of car care to empower car enthusiasts to have delightful experiences maintaining and protecting their vehicles.

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Last updated
March 13, 2025

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