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Brother NS1150E 5x7 Embroidery Machine USB Threader & Trimmer 138 Designs 140 Frames 11 Fonts Buttonholes Color Screen Edit Designs Lettering

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Product Name
Brother NS1150E 5x7 Embroidery Machine USB Threader & Trimmer 138 Designs 140 Frames 11 Fonts Buttonholes Color Screen Edit Designs Lettering
Product Description

The Brother NS1150E has the exact same capabilities as the more expensive PE800! Effortlessly embroider on all of your projects with this affordable yet professional machine for embroidery enthusiasts! Easily import designs through the built-in USB port and choose from 5 000 available designs from for individual purchase. The NS1150E automatically responds to your needs with the push of a button as the thread is pushed through the eye of the needle. Plus the thread cutter button is a time saving convenience! Easy access to select functions on the key pad!

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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