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A Time For Peace [Audio CD] Terry Oldfield

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Product Name
A Time For Peace [Audio CD] Terry Oldfield
Product Description

Review A Time for Peace is an apt title for this exemplary work as every track exudes a calming influence. -- Wind & Wire A Time for Peace stops the hectic world around you and cocoons you in solace. -- Kathryn Sargent Aquarius Mixing instruments and nature sounds from Australia Oldfield creates a nice balance and harmonious blend of relaxing music. -- Michael Woodhead Synchronicity Rich instrumentation and sensitive tones from the depths of the ocean to the vastness of space create awe and wonder. -- AZNET News This lovely album immediately settles listeners into a calmer more reflective mindset. The notes are strong and gentle at once. -- New Age Retailer Product Description Set against gentle nature ambience (bubbling water birdsong crickets) Oldfield constructs a tapestry of airy winds cello harp guitar and synthesized atmosphere that fills the listener with quietude and aids in the release of tension - truly an embrace of the healing power of music.

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Last updated
December 6, 2024

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