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Evenflo Bebek Baby Bottle Nipple, Medium Flow, 2-Pack, BPA-Free

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Product Name
Evenflo Bebek Baby Bottle Nipple, Medium Flow, 2-Pack, BPA-Free
Product Description

Evenflo Bebek Baby Bottle Nipple, Medium Flow, 2-Pack, BPA-Free: BPA-free Helps to vent the bottle much faster than regular nipples Made from 100 percent clear silicone 100 percent anti-colic, which prevents babies from having gas Protective case is good for storage when not in use More like mom with a wide-base nipple for easier latch and transition Rapid venting releases air bubbles into bottle Expertly designed not to leak Works on all 5- and 8-oz Evenflo Bebek bottles Questions about product recalls? Items that are a part of a recall are removed from the site, and are no longer available for purchase. These items include items only, not those of Marketplace sellers. Customers who have purchased a recalled item will be notified by email or by letter sent to the address given at the time of purchase. For complete recall information, go to Walmart Recalls.

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Last updated
March 9, 2025

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