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Pre-Owned Forever Ours: Real Stories of Immortality and Living from a Forensic Pathologist (Paperback) 1577315995 9781577315995

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Product Name
Pre-Owned Forever Ours: Real Stories of Immortality and Living from a Forensic Pathologist (Paperback) 1577315995 9781577315995
Product Description

A Minnesota coroner who has performed or supervised thousands of autopsies author Janis Amatuzio has made it a point to talk with and comfort the families of the deceased. This commitment has garnered her the moniker The Compassionate Coroner. But what Amatuzio has received from these talks amounts to far more than a nickname. Coincidences synchronicities and visions have utterly transformed Amatuzio s understanding of the passage from life to death. A scientist at heart Amatuzio seeks to integrate her understanding of the medical realm with the incredible stories she s come across in her many years as a coroner. From the patient who just before he died told of being visited by a long-dead friend to the two sisters miles apart who felt unexplained sensations at the moment their father passed away Amatuzio details the extraordinary lessons she has learned about death life and the great beyond.

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