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EC Resonant Drumhead 13 inches

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Product Name
EC Resonant Drumhead 13 inches
Product Description

The EC Resonant tom head is the first bottom head to promote the natural tone and body of any tom by means of frequency tweaking. The EC Resonant tom head is constructed from a single ply of 10-mil ultraclear film augmented with the EVANS EC ring. It attenuates unwanted overtones and centers pitch while delivering a desirable mid-range frequency bump. It s the first head to have the capacity to control and correct the tuning inconsistencies of bottom heads a long-standing roadblock to perfect tuning for many drummers. The result is a more resonant fatter tom that projects a truer pitch irrespective of volume levels. EVANS made a quantum leap with the EC Resonant. This head should stun drummers accustomed to attributing better tom sounds only to batter head selection. They ll be shocked to discover that their dream tom sound was laying in wait: the EC Resonant releases it.

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Last updated
March 6, 2025

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