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Master Techniques in Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery: Head and Neck Surgery Volume 2: Thyroid Parathyroid Salivary Glands Paranasal Sinuses and Nasopharynx (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Master Techniques in Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery: Head and Neck Surgery Volume 2: Thyroid Parathyroid Salivary Glands Paranasal Sinuses and Nasopharynx (Hardcover)
Product Description

A key addition to the Master Techniques Series this second volume of Master Techniques in Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery focuses on the procedures used in Thyroid Parathyroid Salivary Glands Paranasal Sinuses and Naspoharynx With contributions from the world s leading experts this book is a true how-to guide to the common and advanced procedures in the major subspecialties of Otolaryngologic Surgery. Step-by-step instructions and over 250 full-color intraoperative photographs and line drawings makes this guide an excellent quick reference for Head and Neck specialists and General Otolaryngologists alike. FEATURES: Each procedure follows the series format and scope for clear step-by-step instruction to each technique Written by experts in the field from around the world Covers both common and advanced procedures Over 250 full-color photographs and drawings Companion website with full-text and supplemental video segments that showcase key techniques See Volume 1 (sold separately) for coverage of Larynx Hypopharynx Oropharynx Oral Cavity and Neck Surgeries

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Last updated
December 5, 2024

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