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Schiffer Book for Collectors: Sarah Coventry(r) Jewelry (Paperback)

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Product Name
Schiffer Book for Collectors: Sarah Coventry(r) Jewelry (Paperback)
Product Description

Attractive and versatile Sarah Coventry(R) jewelry was produced from 1949 through 1984 and is extremely popular with today s collectors. This carefully researched and stunningly photographed book provides detailed information about the items produced including dates of manufacture and names furnished by the company. Organized chronologically the book features hundreds of striking brooches earrings necklaces bracelets rings and sets including those from the exclusive Lord and Lady Coventry Collection. Original catalog material and company newsletters are used to illustrate the versatility and widespread appeal of this delightful jewelry. Includes company overview interviews with former employees collector tips glossary and extensive index. Current market values are provided for all items.

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Last updated
December 6, 2024

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