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Practical Philosophy: Value Matters: Studies in Axiology (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Practical Philosophy: Value Matters: Studies in Axiology (Hardcover)
Product Description

For many years value theory has figured high on the agenda of my interests a fact attested by Introduction to Value Theory published by Prentice Hall in 1969. This interest has continued in recent years inter alia finding earlier expressions in the articles constituting chapters 2-4 of the present book. (See the footnotes for publication details.) The remaining six chapters are new and combine to form overall a synoptic overview of fundamental issues in the theory of value. 1. BY THE STANDARDS OF THEIR DAY 2. ON THE IMPORT AND RATIONALE OF VALUE ATTRIBUTION 3. NOMIC HIERACHIES AND PROBLEMS OF RELATIVISM 4. IS REASONING ABOUT VALUES VICIOUSLY CIRCULAR? 5. RATIONAL ECONOMY AND THE EVOLUTIONARY IMPETUS 6. EVALUATION AND THE FALLACY OF RESPECT NEGLECT 7. CREDIT FOR MAKING A DISCOVERY 8. OPTIMALISM AND THE RATIONALITY OF THE REAL (ON THE PROSPECT OF AXIOLOGICAL EXPLANATION) 9. THE REVOLT AGAINST ABSOLUTES IN TWENTIETH CENTURY AMERICAN PHILOSOPHY

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December 13, 2024

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