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BrainStorm tOObz Glass World Miniature Glass Figurines 5-Pack OOmpah/regOOb/shOObie/tOOtah/wOOky

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Product Name
BrainStorm tOObz Glass World Miniature Glass Figurines 5-Pack OOmpah/regOOb/shOObie/tOOtah/wOOky
Product Description

Become a collector of fine ceramics with the BrainStorm tOObz Glass World Miniature Glass Figurines. These are part of the Glass World line of collectible miniatures. Each one is handmade and contains 100-percent colored glass. This technique contains no paint or tampo printing which means that the color will never fade. This 5-pack of OOmpah/regOOb/shOObie/tOOtah/wOOky collectible glass figurines has some of the characters from an extensive series. Any collector will be proud to have them. Each figure comes with its own biography and has a birth date labeled on the back of the packaging providing you with a story to share as you show off your menagerie. These colored glass figurines are part of over 40 different styles to choose from. Start off your supply with these pieces or use it to add to an established one. These also make a wonderful gift for a friend who likes ceramics.

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Last updated
December 9, 2024

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