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Farnam Apple Elite Electrolyte Powder 5 pounds 40 Day Supply

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Product Name
Farnam Apple Elite Electrolyte Powder 5 pounds 40 Day Supply
Product Description

Electrolyte supplementation is often thought of as only needed by performance horses; however all horses that sweat for an extended time whether from exercise weather or stress can benefit from electrolyte supplementation. When horses sweat it results in a loss of water sodium chloride potassium calcium and magnesium. If these minerals are not replenished it could result in a significant body deficit and cause fatigue muscle weakness reduced feed and water intake and reduced sweating which can lead to overheating and compromise overall health and performance. Apple Elite Electrolyte Powder replaces vital minerals that are depleted through sweat during exercise extreme hot and cold weather and stressful situations. This complete electrolyte formula is an excellent means to encourage healthy water consumption to keep horses hydrated year-round. Ideal for horses of all classes and workloads to help maintain fluid balance and support proper digestion muscle function and recovery. This palatable apple flavored powder is great for daily use; just mix in with your horse’s regular grain ration.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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