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Science Wiz Light Kit STEM Learning Experiments Projects with Light Set

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Product Name
Science Wiz Light Kit STEM Learning Experiments Projects with Light Set
Product Description

What EVERY CHILD should know about LIGHT and the Electromagnetic Spectrum! Bounce and Bend Light Construct a Kaleidoscope Make a Simple Microscope and telescope Diffract with Feathers Split Spin and Subtract Colour Mold Lenses Box a Camera Obscura Capture a Shadow Quality time quality learning quality play. Children can work independently with a minimum of parental supervision. Robust materials designed for eager hands. The award winning artwork of Art Huff provides clear stepbystep directions. Hundreds of children tested these materials with Penny Norman (Ph.D. from U.C. Berkeley) and Ann Einstein (M.A.T Berkeley School District). The result if this delightful selfcontained book/kit which uses hours of fun and exploration to develop a basic understanding of scientific concepts. National Parenting Magazine Award Winner.

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Last updated
December 8, 2024

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