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Further Adventures of Penrose the Mathematical Cat (Paperback)

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Product Name
Further Adventures of Penrose the Mathematical Cat (Paperback)
Product Description

Penrose no ordinary cat takes us on an adventurous tour of mathematical concepts and characters. Now he takes off again on new adventures. Join him as he .....discovers the mathematical rep-tiles...meets x the mathematical actor..... is overpowered by a hoard of numbers ...stumbles onto the math rods... has a close encounter with Probably... discovers how 1+1!=2 ... helps Sorry Snowflake find its symmetry ... takes on Napier s hot rods ... crosses pi s path ... learns that mathematical doughnuts are not for dunking ...tantalizes teases and perplexes us with his puzzles and games. These amusing and informative tales are just a few of many enchanting stories written in the author s captivating style that is sure to make mathematics entertaining. The reader will gain new insights and appreciation for mathematics and its many facets.

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Last updated
December 4, 2024

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