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Baptism Christening Dedication To My Godfather Poetry Handkerchief - Hankies Gift Keepsake

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Product Name
Baptism Christening Dedication To My Godfather Poetry Handkerchief - Hankies Gift Keepsake
Product Description

A beautiful and delicate Baptism Christening Dedication handkerchief gracefully presented in a gift box along with a printed verse written especially for this occasion. Express your heartfelt sentiments with this loving and thoughtful gift your loved one will treasure always. The poem card reads: To My Godfather How nice to have a Godfather So loving warm and dear Who promises to guide me and To keep the Good Lord near. To watch me as I’m growing up To be there from the start To touch and teach my spirit and To help to mold my heart. So for my special Godfather This hankie is for you A keepsake meant to thank you now For all that you will do.© Product dimensions:

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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