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David Fulton Books: Teaching Children English as an Additional Language: A Programme for 7-12 Year Olds (Hardcover)

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Product Name
David Fulton Books: Teaching Children English as an Additional Language: A Programme for 7-12 Year Olds (Hardcover)
Product Description

Here is a typical classroom scenario: out of the thirty children two-thirds speak a different language at home and only speak English at school. Even though many pupils English skills are almost non-existent teachers are expected to provide the national curriculum for every child in the class. Teaching Children English as an Additional Language solves this problem with a ten-week teaching programme of units and lesson activities for children aged seven-eleven (Key Stage 2) new to English. It will help these children learn some very basic English sentences questions and vocabulary to get them through regular day-to-day routines more easily. By offering a flexible step by step approach this book helps EAL teachers to: identify learners individual needs teach grammar and vocabulary support teaching through speaking and listening assess pupils to inform future planning The programme also contains emergency lessons to support learners in the first three days cross curricular links ways of using a home-school learning book and an opportunity for the child to make a booklet about themselves. It fosters the child s home language incorporates different learning styles as well as including a wealth of carefully tailored themed resources. The programme is complete with activities resources and assessment materials and helpful tips on how to develop a successful EAL department.

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Last updated
December 8, 2024

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