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Pecham Electric Vehicle Charging Adapter Type1 J1772 to Teslas Model X Y 3 S for EV Charger Connector EVSE Conversion Gun Socket

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Product Name
Pecham Electric Vehicle Charging Adapter Type1 J1772 to Teslas Model X Y 3 S for EV Charger Connector EVSE Conversion Gun Socket
Product Description

With this adapter you can now charge your Tesla vehicle using standard Pecham EV chargers found across the country providing you with greater flexibility and convenience. Whether you re at outdoor charging stations hotels department stores or parking lots the adapter allows you to take advantage of J1772 EV chargers and maximize your EV charging options for your Model S/3/X/Y. By enabling compatibility with public Level 2 charging stations the adapter significantly increases the number of charging destinations for your Tesla making it easier to keep your vehicle charged and ready for your next adventure.

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Last updated
February 22, 2025

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