Product info
The Incredibles is an exciting animated film that follows Bob Parr, also known as Mr. Incredible, and his wife Helen, also known as Elastigirl. Once celebrated as top superheroes who saved lives and fought villains, they have now been living in hiding for fifteen years, trying to fit into ordinary suburban life with their three children, Violet, Dash, and baby Jack-Jack. As they navigate the challenges of raising kids and maintaining a normal lifestyle, Bob feels a strong pull to return to his former glory of fighting crime.
His chance comes unexpectedly when he receives a mysterious call that leads him to a remote island for a top-secret mission. As Bob jumps back into action, he soon realizes that this mission is bigger than he imagined. To save the world from imminent danger, the entire family must come together and use their unique superpowers in a thrilling adventure that tests their strength, bravery, and love for each other. The Incredibles delivers a captivating story filled with action, humor, and heart, making it a must-watch for all ages. Experience the excitement on Blu-ray, DVD, and digital copy, perfect for family movie nights.
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