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Bickmore Gall Salve Wound Cream 14 oz

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Product Name
Bickmore Gall Salve Wound Cream 14 oz
Product Description

Bickmore Gall Salve Wound Cream Bickmore Gall Salve provides quick relief to abrasion cuts sores and galls on your horse. It will not rub or sweat off so it will provide around the clock healing. Features: Multi-purpose topical antiseptic wound cream Will not rub or sweat off Works great on wounds sores galls saddle and cinch sores Helps with the itching and irritation of eczema fungus and ringworm Item Specifications: Active Ingredients: Alum Borax Oxyquinolin Sulphate Sulphur For additional product information please see clickable links listed under Downloadable Resources.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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