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Reebok Women s Tiahawk Composite Toe Waterproof Hiker Work Shoe Size 9.5(W)

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Product Name
Reebok Women s Tiahawk Composite Toe Waterproof Hiker Work Shoe Size 9.5(W)
Product Description

Reebok knows that life lacks a roadmap and an instruction manual and does not care how strong you are. Sometimes you have to work through it even fight through it. Empowering people to win the fight and succeed by engineering and designing great sportswear is what Reebok does best.These waterproof composite toe shoes meet ASTM F2413 PT Class 75 Protective Toe standards and ASTM F2413 Electrical Hazard standards and are non-metallic. Along with being safe these hiker work shoes also meet impact and compression guidelines which means they provide the support your feet need on their major points of impact. These shoes even have heel airbags.Don t delay and order these Reebok today.

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Last updated
March 2, 2025

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