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Aqua-Pure AP717 Inline Water Filter System for Refrigerators

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Product Name
Aqua-Pure AP717 Inline Water Filter System for Refrigerators
Product Description

Even if your refrigerator didn t come with water filtering capability the 3M Aqua-Pure AP717 In-Line Water Filter System can bring pure clean water to your family. Made to install directly to your water line this in-line design is perfect for refrigerators drink dispensers coffee machines ice makers and drinking fountains. This Granular Activated Carbon filter traps chlorine rust dirt and other harmful and foul-tasting particles leaving you with clear refreshing water. It also protects your ice maker by reducing limescale build-up. You ll never need to buy another bottle of water when your water at home tastes just as great!

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Last updated
February 22, 2025

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