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The ACT for Bad Test Takers Paperback Moshe Ohayon

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Product Name
The ACT for Bad Test Takers Paperback Moshe Ohayon
Product Description

Do you consider yourself a bad test taker? If so then this book is for you! The ACT for Bad Test Takers was written specifically for students who are frustrated with their performance on the ACT. If you re not a good standardized test taker and believe that your ACT score is far below a fair representation of your abilities this book can teach you how to start thinking differently about the ACT. Inside this book reveals a revolutionary approach for tackling all four sections of the ACT and shows you how to obtain the score you deserve. Master this strategy and you ll be well on your way toward becoming a good test taker and achieving real success on the ACT.

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Last updated
December 8, 2024

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