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Sonic Technology RR3SPK Innovative Non-Toxic Ultrasonic Electronic Triple Speaker Rodent Repeller - 1 Pack

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Sonic Technology RR3SPK Innovative Non-Toxic Ultrasonic Electronic Triple Speaker Rodent Repeller - 1 Pack
Product Description

Go Green! All of the Innovative Technology Ultrasonic Rodent Repellers are specifically designed to humanely repel rats & mice. Mice and rats are the most common indoor rodent pest problem encountered by consumers worldwide. Why Our Rodent Repellers Work. Rodents are the most common pest problem worldwide. They eat and infect foodstuffs cause damage and fires from chewed wiring and spread diseases such as Hanta Virus. Prior to the development of ultrasonic rodent repellers by Sonic Technology 30 years ago the only methods of rodent control carried a heavy price. Traps and poisons can endanger children and pets. Snap traps are inhumane and require handling of potentially disease-ridden rodents. Poisons cause rodents to either retreat into the walls to die and decay...or die outdoors where they in turn can poison other pets or predators. Additionally neither traps nor poisons provide a long-term solution. Rodents simply increase breeding to replace rodents lost to poisons or traps. It s an unending cycle. Go Green and Make an Impact! Our Ultrasonic Rodent Repellers emphasize non-toxic prevention rather than elimination. Our Rodent Repellers produce high frequency ultrasonic waves in a swept frequency constantly changing 60 to 80 times a second between 32 and 64 kHz. To a rodent it sounds like a jack-hammer...a sound to which rodents cannot acclimate. This creates an acoustically hostile environment that repels rodents causing them to move to other areas that are not sound-protected. Even those that are especially tough and refuse to move will become more stressed and less trap-wary making it easier to trap them out. This may require several weeks but the result will usually be a rodent-free area with totally free or minimal use of poisons and traps. It s the Environmentally Friendly Pest Control Product. How Ultrasound Works. Ultrasound is a very fragile wavelength that can be easily blocked and will attenuate or dissipate to ineffectiveness after approximately 25 or 30 feet. Ultrasound gains its effectiveness by hitting hard surfaces such as walls floors windows counters etc. to rebound and fill an area with the sound. On the other hand absorbent materials such as drapes carpets and upholstered furniture will absorb the sound echoes and diminish the effectiveness. The physical properties of ultrasound do not allow the sound to penetrate walls or go around will only work in the room (up to about 800 square feet) that the rodent repeller is placed in. Safe to Use Around Humans and Non-Rodent Pets! Because rodents are at the bottom of the food chain they have developed extraordinarily sensitive hearing up to 90 kHz as a survival mechanism. Humans normally hear up to about 20 kHz and most other animals such as dogs and cats can perceive sounds up to about 27 kHz. Our Ultrasonic Rodent Repellers broadcast in the 32 to 62 kHz range...well into the hearing range of rodents but above that of people and pets. Know Your Rodents! Rodent skeletons are basically cartilage allowing mice to squeeze through holes the size of dimes and rats through holes the size of quarters. They can also jump great distances. Primarily nocturnal rodents prefer to scavenge at night and they generally feel more comfortable traveling along a wall rather than in open space. They are wily and wary and it is for good reason that they are plentiful and ubiquitous. How to Best Utilize Your Rodent Repellers Because ultrasound gains its efficacy by bouncing off of hard surfaces to fill the area with sound your Rodent Repeller will have little effect when used outside or in covered areas without solid walls. The ultrasound will dissipate within 25 feet to the point where rodents will simply st- SKU: SONCT012

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Last updated
February 11, 2025

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