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Weddingstar Women s Embroidered Bachelorette Party Dad Hat - The Party

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Product Name
Weddingstar Women s Embroidered Bachelorette Party Dad Hat - The Party
Product Description

The classic dad hat style with a bachelorette twist it s the perfect bridal party accessory for the bride s last hurrah or a great cap to throw on the morning after the festivities to cover wild hair! With a slight curve to the hat brim soft navy blue cotton material for a relaxed fit and a cute The Party design embroidered across the front it has all of the cool standard features dad hats are known for. Comfortable and inexpensive this stylish style of hat is suited to everyday wear. Best of all it makes a cool memento for the bride. Ideal for any wedding occasion it s also a nice cheap way to cap off a great party! Other dad hats with a number of assorted bachelorette embroidery designs are available in different complementary colors so you can get a hat for the bride too! That way the whole squad will make a matched set as they party it up.

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Last updated
October 2, 2024

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