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Melvil and Dewey Books: Melvil and Dewey Teach Literacy: A Teaching Guide to Using the Melvil and Dewey Series (Paperback)

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Product Name
Melvil and Dewey Books: Melvil and Dewey Teach Literacy: A Teaching Guide to Using the Melvil and Dewey Series (Paperback)
Product Description

This set of three early chapter books plus an educator s guide chronicles the adventures of two lovable gerbils Melvil and Dewey who live in an elementary school library. They are both curious and hungry which is the cause of many interesting adventures for the pair. The author Pam Swallow a retired school librarian is the model for their owner and her former library their home. The first two books in the set Melvil and Dewey in the Chips and Melvil and Dewey in the Fast Lane have been previously published and are now out of print. They were successful with school librarians who used the adventures of the two gerbils to begin units of instruction about Melvil and Dewey and his Decimal System. This newly published set debuts a third adventure Melvil and Dewey Gone Fishin and an educator s guide Melvil and Dewey Teach Literacy. Activities in the guide correlate to the 9 Information Literacy Standards for Student Learning from AASl and to Blooms Taxonomy. The activities integrate all subject areas with a focus on information literacy as the spring board to many other literacies-as students are developing their skills reading drawing making music and writing among others. Books can be purchased by set or in classroom multiples.

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Last updated
December 8, 2024

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