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PetAg Pet Pectillin Anti-Diarrheal - 4 oz

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Product Name
PetAg Pet Pectillin Anti-Diarrheal - 4 oz
Product Description

Pet-Ag Pet Pectillin Dog and Cat Diarrhea Medication 4 oz is useful as an aid in the treatment of diarrhea in pets. It contains pectin and Kaolin. Pectin provides a protective coating to irritated gastrointestinal membranes. It is also a detoxifying agent against the bacterial toxins which cae inflammation of the gastrointestinal membranes and diarrhea. Kaolin an absorbent increases the bulk and slows down the passage of feces while promoting excretion of toxins within the gastrointestinal tract. Improvement should be noticeable in 2 to 3 days. DIARRHEA MEDICATION FOR DOGS & CATS - Pet Pectillin Anti-Diarrheal helps relieve diarrhea or loose stool in dogs and cats. It replenishes electrolytes to aid dehydration recovery and provides a protective coating to calm the digestive tract. SPECIALLY FORMULATED - Formulated with pectin and kaolin Pet Pectillin works to increase the bulk and slow down the passage of feces. It also helps alleviate irritation discomfort and cramping and absorption of toxins. EASY TO TAKE - This formula is highly palatable and easy to administer.

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Last updated
December 4, 2024

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