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PetSafe Boundary Flags For Use with PetSafe s Dog and Cat Fences Bundle of 50

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Product Name
PetSafe Boundary Flags For Use with PetSafe s Dog and Cat Fences Bundle of 50
Product Description

Extra boundary flags for training your pet to use an in-ground or wireless fence. Place flags approximately 10 feet apart to remind your pet of his off-limits area. Between days 15 and 30 you will be monitoring your pet s progress. After you are satisfied your pet s training is complete remove every other Boundary Flag every 4 days until all flags are removed. In about a month your lawn will be free of training flags and your pet will know his limits. We recommend keeping a flag or two in your yard to let neighbors and passerby know that your pet is securely contained. Trust PetSafe® to help keep your pet healthy safe and happy.

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Last updated
December 5, 2024

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