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The First Years Stack & Count Cups Toddler Stacking Cup Toys 8 Pieces

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Product Name
The First Years Stack & Count Cups Toddler Stacking Cup Toys 8 Pieces
Product Description

The First Years Stack & Count Cups are a classic baby toy that lasts for years. Baby s love playing with these colorful toy cups: nesting them together stacking them and knocking them down too! Through play these cups help babies develop both gross and fine motor skills. As your baby grows into a toddler the eight cups all have different large numbers embossed on the base great for introducing your child to counting and number recognition. Toddlers will also love using these cups as a bath toy. Each toy cup features different shaped holes on the bottom. Fill them up and watch the water trickle out for extra fun in the tub or kiddie pool!

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Last updated
December 13, 2024

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