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Dr. Christopher s Original Formulas Complete Tissue & Bone Massage Oil 4 Oz

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Dr. Christopher s Original Formulas Complete Tissue & Bone Massage Oil 4 Oz
Product Description

For updated accurate country of origin data it is recommended that you rely on product packaging or manufacturer information. May be useful for arthritis athlete s foot broken bones bruises burns sunburns and more.UPC: 084783499015 - Dr. Christophers Complete Tissue And Bone Massage Oil 4 Oz - May be useful for arthritis athlete s foot broken bones bruises burns sunburns and more. - Heal complete tissue and bone massage oil by Christophers original formulaThis product was formulated to meet the needs of the professional Massage Therapist. The skin is the largest organ of the body and absorbs many nutrients that are applied topically.It is a bone flesh and cartilage combination that does wonders in restoring flesh and internal healing of bones and cartilage. It can be taken in several different forms including an ointment and a massage oil. Complete Bone and tissue has done miraculous things with broken backs legs and hips.This formula has been used on curvature of the spine polio multiple sclerosis and muscular dystrophy stroke arthritis of the bone. It is a powerhouse and has helped rebuild torn cartilage and sinews fractures etc. Made with oak bark comfrey leaves marshmallow root as well as other herbs.Complete Bone & Tissue may be useful in treating abrasions arthritis athlete s foot broken bones bruises burns and sunburns carpal tunnel syndrome cuts dizziness eczema hernia inflammation itch osteoporosis poison ivy and poison oak skin problems sprains and stiff neck.

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Last updated
March 10, 2025

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