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Farnam Equitrol II Feed-Through Fly Control for Horses Highly Palatable Feed Additive 20 Pound Bucket 320 Day Supply for One Horse 20-Pound

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Product Name
Farnam Equitrol II Feed-Through Fly Control for Horses Highly Palatable Feed Additive 20 Pound Bucket 320 Day Supply for One Horse 20-Pound
Product Description

Get ahead of the fly season with Equitrol II feed-through fly control for horses. Equitrol II prevents the development of house and stable fly larvae in the manure of treated horses. Equitrol II is a feed-through fly repellent for horses that effectively breaks the fly life cycle by preventing house and stable fly larvae from developing into mature adults resulting in a reduced fly population. Start using Equitrol II the trusted fly repellent supplement for horses early in the fly season and continue throughout the summer until cold weather restricts fly activity. A ten-pound bucket lasts 160 days for one horse. Equitrol II should be used as part of an integrated pest management program aimed at reducing fly populations in the horse s environment.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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