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Metropolitan Popcorn Machine 6 Ounce Kettle

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Product Name
Metropolitan Popcorn Machine 6 Ounce Kettle
Product Description

Inspired by the Art Deco architecture of the late 1920s and 1930s these popcorn machines are ideal for home theaters. Its unique design enables it to be placed against a wall for a minimal space requirement while still providing an attractive visual impact. Ordinary popcorn machines have the graphics and cosmetic appeal on the back of the popper making them unsuitable for wall placement. These commercial quality poppers feature an aluminum food-zone 20 mil anodized kettle (for easy cleaning) a heated warming deck to keep the popped corn fresh for hours old maid drawer (for un-popped kernels) tempered glass panels and a three-year parts warranty.

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Last updated
December 18, 2024

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