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HARPPA Foldable Baby Walker for Babies 6-24 Months Anti-Rollover Seat and Height Adjustable Black

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Product Name
HARPPA Foldable Baby Walker for Babies 6-24 Months Anti-Rollover Seat and Height Adjustable Black
Product Description

HARPPA Adjustable Baby Walker – the perfect aid for parents eager to assist their little ones in the exciting journey of learning to walk. This walker offers six adjustable height levels ensuring proper leg alignment as your baby progresses through different stages (6-24 months). It s designed to support babies weighing up to 30 pounds.Convenience and practicality merge with the foldable support steel arms allowing effortless storage. The 4 gear adjustable seat is not only snug but also provides extra support and comfort for your baby. Safety is a priority and this walker features a wide base and a double parking brake (engage one brake to control walker speed engage both for a stationary activity center!) for a secure learning environment.The activity center is detachable allowing babies to swivel and bounce as they begin to explore using their little feet. Moreover the spacious surrounding tray provides ample room for snacks and playtime. Constructed from eco-friendly PP plastic with high-quality cushioning this walker is perfect for babies ready to take their first steps with a bit of support.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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