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MAM Perfect Night Pacifier 16+ Months Unisex 2 Pack

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Product Name
MAM Perfect Night Pacifier 16+ Months Unisex 2 Pack
Product Description

No more frustration trying to find your lost pacifiers at night! This pacifier glows in the dark making it easy for baby and parent to find in the evening hours. Specially designed with your little one’s teeth and jaw in mind the MAM Perfect Pacifier is clinically proven* to reduce the risk of open bite and increased overbite later in life. With a 60% thinner neck and 4 times more flexible nipple** than a regular pacifier you can be assured that your little one’s favorite binky is safe for their development as it puts less pressure on their jaw and teeth. MAM’s medically engineered nipples feature life-like SkinSoft textured silicone that feels more natural just like mom. With multiple nipple and shield sizes to pick from MAM nipples are easily accepted by babies of all ages with 94% nipple acceptance among babies tested.*** Babies simply love the ease and comfort of latching onto MAM nipples. Sterilize baby’s MAM pacifier in the microwave using the convenient MAM self-sterilizing case. Pacifiers kept in the closed box will remain disinfected for up to 48 hours: Fill pacifier case with water. Place pacifier in the pacifier case with the nipple facing down. Follow Pacifier package instructions for microwave setting. Cool completely before use. *Y. Wagner R. Heinrich-Weltzien “Effect of a thinneck pacifier on primary dentition: a randomized controlled trial” Orthodontics Craniofacial Research Volume 19 Issue 3 pages 127–136 August 2016. **Scientific reports from Wild Hi-Precision institute verify: the MAM Perfect’s nipple neck is on average 60% thinner; test series by the University Clinic of Dentistry Vienna confirm: it is also on average 4 times more flexible than comparable pacifiers. (Between: 32% – 83% thinner / 1.1 – 19.5 times more flexible than regular silicone pacifiers). ***Market research 2010-2019 tested with 1 463 babies.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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