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Crayola Dry Erase Light up Board Art Tablet Toys Beginner Unisex Child

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Product Name
Crayola Dry Erase Light up Board Art Tablet Toys Beginner Unisex Child
Product Description

The Crayola Dry Erase Light Up Board Art Set lets you create colorful designs on a lighted dual-sided board. Use bright Crayola dry erase crayons on the black side to make images pop ! On the white side you can use the dry erase crayons for classic white board creations! Use this coloring set to enhance arts and crafts for boys and girls with 3 different lighting options to choose from. Just add 3 AA batteries (not included) then start changing between a constant light a quick blink or a slow fade. These drawing supplies won t dry out and will stay on point by using the provided crayon sharpener. When it s time to clean up use the E-Z Erase Cloth to wipe clean and start again. Beginner Unisex Child.

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Last updated
December 23, 2024

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