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We Don t Need Another Wave : Dispatches from the Next Generation of Feminists (Paperback)

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Product Name
We Don t Need Another Wave : Dispatches from the Next Generation of Feminists (Paperback)
Product Description

We Don t Need Another Wave is a critique of the ways in which feminism is discussed in the mainstream media. Today s young feminists are wary of being labeled. They are media-savvy hyper-aware of being categorized and marginalized and are here to tell the world that feminists are feminists--diverse in age and experience--and that it s time to drop the labels in favor of proactive agendas and united goals. Topics that matter to young feminists range from lighter issues such as DIY culture and craftivism to heavy-hitting issues that feminists have struggled with for generations including abuse rape shame and self-hatred. The young writers in this collection band together under the banner of feminism to share the message that the F-word is a good thing and that feminists are breaking new ground while still valuing the traditions and achievements of their sisters and foremothers. We Don t Need Another Wave brings a message of unity and a message to get beyond subcategorizing a movement that needs cohesiveness and strives on strength in numbers.

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March 4, 2025

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