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4.25 in. Eco+Grande, Superbells Blackcurrant Punch (Calibrachoa) Live Plant, Pink-Purple Flowers (4-Pack)

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Product Name
4.25 in. Eco+Grande, Superbells Blackcurrant Punch (Calibrachoa) Live Plant, Pink-Purple Flowers (4-Pack)
Product Description

Superbells Blackcurrant Punch from Proven Winners offers stunning pink-purple flowers with deep black centers that bloom abundantly from the moment they are planted until the first frost. These small petunia-like flowers attract hummingbirds, making them a lively addition to any garden or outdoor space. They thrive best in well-drained soil, so it's important to avoid waterlogged conditions. For most gardeners, using these plants in containers is ideal, as they provide the proper environment for growth. To ensure optimal performance, it is recommended to fertilize with a water-soluble fertilizer weekly and to give the plants a light trim once or twice during the season.

Additionally, the Eco+Grande containers used for these plants are innovative and environmentally friendly. Made from renewable materials like corn and sugar beets, these compostable containers provide nutrients to help the plants grow healthier and faster throughout the growing season. When disposed of, the Eco+Grande containers decompose more quickly than traditional plastic pots, breaking down into inert organic matter thanks to the action of microbes. This makes the Superbells Blackcurrant Punch not only a beautiful choice for your garden but also a sustainable one. Enjoy vibrant colors and good environmental practices all at once with this delightful live plant collection.

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Last updated
February 11, 2025

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