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Best Choice Products 61-Key Beginners Electronic Keyboard Piano Set w/ LED 3 Teaching Modes H-Stand Stool - Black

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Best Choice Products 61-Key Beginners Electronic Keyboard Piano Set w/ LED 3 Teaching Modes H-Stand Stool - Black
Product Description

Take a step back and commit to making music! This piano comes with 3 teaching modes. Follow along with 3-step intelligent teaching with modes like one-follow follow and ensemble. Create your own full masterpiece when you mix timbres and rhythms or explore the keyboard percussion sounds. 255 timbres 255 rhythms 24 demo songs 32 percussion sounds in effect allow you to customize your sound. Here s what s included: a keyboard a music holder a stand (15.5in x 32in x 24-28in) and a chair (12in x 16in x 19in). All of these tools are perfect for beginners as they explore this piano s different functions and use them to sharpen their playing skills. Headphones and a microphone are included wear them to cancel surrounding distractions when you need that extra focus thanks to the padded speakers. Whether you are a beginner or intermediate this piano is ready for you!

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Last updated
February 21, 2025

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