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Haiku Vignettes & Thought Bites (Paperback)

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Product Name
Haiku Vignettes & Thought Bites (Paperback)
Product Description

A vivid collection of philosophic reflections and humorous observations on life. This is a reprint of the first edition seen previously here on Lulu which received a 4-Star rating. Reviewed by Darren Luck - Mar. 7 2015 It s rare for me to review a book moreso for me to buy a second book by the same author after reading a first. The book is half haiku half aphorism. Whereas the author seems to have had trouble paring down his thoughts into three lines of haiku his ability to distill an observation into a one line aphorism is spot on. Writing aphorisms is a lost art one that has been well-resurrected by the author. Highly recommended for people who want to read in a 5 second burst and subsequently reflect for 5 or 50 minutes on what they have read. Important reading for people who are looking for worldly experience or wisdom and for those who want a contemporary model for a disused medium.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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