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Bel-Ray 99450-B355W; Silicone Dot 5 Brake Fluid 355 Ml

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Product Name
Bel-Ray 99450-B355W; Silicone Dot 5 Brake Fluid 355 Ml
Product Description

Bel-Ray Silicone DOT 5 Brake Fluid exceeds FMVSS Sec. 571.116 DOT 5 silicone base motor vehicle brake fluid specifications. Mixes with all fluids meeting such specifications. DOT 5 brake fluid may not be mixed with DOT 3 and DOT 4. DOT 5 may be used to replace either DOT 3 or DOT 4 if a complete system flush is done. For use in all drum or disc hydraulic brake systems except systems using mineral-based fluids (LHM). Mixes with all fluids meeting DOT 5 specifications (not compatible with DOT 3 and DOT 4) Will not damage paint or absorb moisture For brake systems and hydraulic clutches except systems using mineral brake fluids Boiling point: Dry 260°C (50°F) Wet 185°C (365°F)

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Last updated
December 7, 2024

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