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Vicks Health Check Hygrometer Humidity Monitor 0.25 lb White V70

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Product Name
Vicks Health Check Hygrometer Humidity Monitor 0.25 lb White V70
Product Description

As cold temperatures set in humidity levels drop. Cold air is unable to hold as much moisture as warm air. Because of this when we heat our home the relative humidity level can drop as low as 10%. This is drier than the Sahara Desert and can contribute to drier skin as well as nose and throat discomfort. It can also cause static electricity and plants and furniture to dry it. Some people experience discomfort when humidity levels are lower than 25%. A comfortable humidity should be between 40-60%. The Vicks Health Check hygrometer monitors your indoor humidity and displays a rooms temperature and humidity level to help provide information you need to control your environment.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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