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Oasis Shred-A-Bed Hamster Bedding White 1 Each/2 In X 2 in 6 Pack

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Product Name
Oasis Shred-A-Bed Hamster Bedding White 1 Each/2 In X 2 in 6 Pack
Product Description

100% natural cotton recyclable. Oasis shred a bed is safe for even the most sensitive pocket pet. Contains only short fibers no continuous Long strands to wrap around pets limbs. Each package contains 2 sheets which yield a total of 12 handy 2 x 2 pads of compressed cotton fiber. Put one or two 2 pads into the pet s habitat and watch as pet instinctively moves the pad to his or her selected nesting area and chews and tears at it fluffing it into a soft bed. Remove damp or soiled bedding as needed. It satisfies the natural urge to build nests provides privacy and helps to reduce stress. It is the perfect natural nesting material for pocket pets and can be useful as a next lining material for certain cage birds.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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