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Paragon - Manufactured Fun 2028B Pro Deluxe Warmer with Pump

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Product Name
Paragon - Manufactured Fun 2028B Pro Deluxe Warmer with Pump
Product Description

A must have product for concession stands and restaurants this Paragon warmer with pump provides 3 quarts of warming capacity and a ladle to serve your favorite foods that needs to be warmed such as soup chili sauces nacho cheese hot fudge soft caramel and other tasty concessions! It accepts #10 cans and 3 qt. insets for allowing the operator to drop canned items directly into the warmer. The push pump yields 1 oz. of product allowing for saving money with portion control. Additionally gauging collars are included that reduce the yield in 1/8 oz. increments. The 500 Watt element is controlled by an adjustable thermostat and an on/off toggle switch. Made of stainless steel the unit is great looking and constructed to wit stand a demanding commercial environment. The units four rubber feet protect serving surfaces while keeping it securely in place. The unit operates on a 120V electrical connection and has 500 watts.

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Last updated
March 6, 2025

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