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Injusa Thunder Max 12V VX Dirt Bike

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Product Name
Injusa Thunder Max 12V VX Dirt Bike
Product Description

The Injusa Thunder Max VX 12V Dirt Bike is sure to delight those kids that are always on the go. It is sleek detailed and has lots of cool decals. This vehicle is designed and built with quality specifically for children 3years of age and older. The kids ride-on travels at a speed of up to 4.5 miles per hour which is just fast enough to thrill children while ensuring their safety. It also has training wheels for when a little extra stability is needed. The battery and charger are included so that children can get riding right away. It has a ride time of one to two hours so children can have extended periods of fun. The kids dirt bike is a fun way for children to improve coordination and partake in outdoor activities.

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Last updated
December 8, 2024

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