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Blue Flame LLA.2440.NG Natural Gas Log Lighter - Angle

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Product Name
Blue Flame LLA.2440.NG Natural Gas Log Lighter - Angle
Product Description

There is a .31 cents per hour energy savings due to the air gas mixing chamber.*EPA test lab results - Reduces pollutants in wood-burning fireplaces.*The highest quality and Safety product on the market with an Input rating of 20 000.*CSA products class 3371 98 - Valves (gas) - General use-certified to U.S. Standards. Applicable*Actual inside diameter: 0.335.Blue Flame s natural gas log lighter reduces emissions from wood smoke by 50% ignites firewood with ease versus using paper or kindling brings more heat into the living space air-gas mixing chamber provides energy savings ONLY CSA CERTIFIED log lighter on the market bringing a safer greener hotter wood fire Only CSA Cerified log lighter on the market. It ignites firewood without the use of paper and kindling. Provides engergy savings with the use of the air-gas mixing chamber Reduces emissions from wood smoke by 50% during use. Brings more heat into the living space while burning wood logs. CSA Certified for safety Blue Flame and the external configuration of the Blue Flame log lighters are registered trademarks of Canterbury Enterprises. 2 714 807 & 2 714 814 One year limited warranty

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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