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Legislating Without Experience: Case Studies in State Legislative Term Limits (Hardcover)

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Legislating Without Experience: Case Studies in State Legislative Term Limits (Hardcover)
Product Description

Legislative term limits are reshaping the political landscape in numerous states; however few of the effects are consistent across all states. Everything from the political environment to the level of legislative professionalism within a state influences the trends that are often attributed to term limits. To cut through these many trends and isolate the ones most likely created by term limits this volume develops comparisons of states with term limits to similar states without term limits. The comparisons are organized by levels of legislative professionalism. The richness of the case study approach allows the contributors to Legislating Without Experience to offer valuable insights into the legislative process in each of the specific states. They also illuminate the individual idiosyncrasies that enhance or dilute the effects of term limits in a given state. Rarely does a case study book with multiple contributors offer apples-to-apples data comparisons. This project engaged nationally recognized scholars to collect and analyze comparable data in each state. The loss of major power brokers and their institutional memory makes the legislature a more chaotic place. Legislating Without Experience argues that on the whole the legislature as an institution has been weakened by term limits. However these effects vary from state to state based on the specifics of the limit and the degree of legislative professionalism. Importantly legislative actors are adapting to the limits and making the best of a difficult situation. This book will be an excellent reference for students and scholars of state politics legislative process and term limits.

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March 4, 2025

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