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Pre-Owned ACT Prep Guide ASAP (Paperback) by Peterson s

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Product Name
Pre-Owned ACT Prep Guide ASAP (Paperback) by Peterson s
Product Description

Peterson s ACT(R) Prep Guide ASAP is the ultimate quick-study guide that offers busy students a structured approach to earning top scores in just 30 days or less. This book includes Diagnostic Questions to Determine Strengths and Weaknesses quickly. One online full-length practice test to be ready on test day Detailed answers and explanations for each practice question. Peterson s(R) has condensed its proven test prep strategy into this focused guide that will help students make the most of their study time. Peterson s ACT(R) Prep Guide ASAP offers: Straightforward and efficient review of every test section. Each chapter emphasizes the essential topics and concepts you ll need to know for test day. Quick and complete coverage of the structure and format of the ACT(R). No time wasted with an efficient review of the test. Focused practice for all types of questions you may encounter on test day. Effective tips that really work on the exam. In a short amount of time you ll be confident and ready with proven and time-saving strategies and advice for every section of the exam to get your absolute best scores possible

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Last updated
November 24, 2024

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