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Seagate Vitamins Olive Leaf Nasal Spray 1 oz Spray

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Product Name
Seagate Vitamins Olive Leaf Nasal Spray 1 oz Spray
Product Description

Homeopathic Wild Indigo (Baptisia Tinctoria) Temporary Relief of: Difficulty Breathing Mucous Blockage Swelling of Mucous Membranes Running Nose Sinus Pressure and Congestion Blocked Nose Strong enough for adults, gentle enough for children. Homeopathy is a natural approach to medicine that stimulates the body's curative responses so that the body helps to heal itself. Natural homeopathic products derived from plant sources are proving to be potent preventatives, treatments and stimulants of the body's natural immune system. This product does not contain any pharmaceutical drug. Established in 1981 Seagate produces a variety of natural raw materials derived from their fishing and farming operations. These raw materials are the ingredients for a variety of Seagate's products that include: Cold and Flu Remedies Diet and Colon Cleanse Fish Fertilizer Healthy Heart and Circulation Immune Support Joint Support Tea Topical Skin Care Vegetable and Fruit Concentrates Uses: A homeopathic, remedy for the temporary relief of colds and sinus irritations.

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Last updated
December 21, 2024

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