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6-Pack Dove Body Wash Shower Gel

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Product Name
6-Pack Dove Body Wash Shower Gel
Product Description

Dove is #1 dermatologist recommended moisturizing body wash combines NutriumMoisture with 100% gentle cleansers to help your skin retain its natural moisture. The caring nourishing formula of this sulfate free body wash makes Dove Moisture Body Wash a great body wash for dry skin too. Dove’s NutriumMoisture technology is a blend of moisturizers and skin natural nutrients that help your skin to maintain its natural balance while you shower and deliver skin nourishment at the same time. Because all skin deserves gentleness this mild body wash helps to minimize skin dryness while nourishing deep into the surface layers of your skin leaving you with softer smoother skin after just one shower. Features: Pack of 6 Dove Body Wash Shower Gel Gives you softer smoother skin after just one shower The actual product may be different than product image Nourishes deep into the surface layers of the skin Helps maintain your skin’s moisture barrier as you cleanse Mild gentle formula is kind to your skin Nutrium Moisture technology delivers natural nutrients to the skin

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Last updated
February 23, 2025

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