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Mystery of our health. Bioenergy human - cosmic and earthly. Book 3. Physiology from Hippocrates to the present day (Paperback)

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Mystery of our health. Bioenergy human - cosmic and earthly. Book 3. Physiology from Hippocrates to the present day (Paperback)
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All processes in our body are controlled by the brain. It was he who distributes the energy and controls the conduct of all organs and tissues of our body. But we use the ability of the commander in chief is only 2-4%. We have forgotten how to hear and understand your own body it drowns out signals of artificial drugs relieves symptoms of the disease and are driving into turning it into a chronic stage. Exit the authors suggest is the third book series Mystery of our health. The book is intended for physicians physical therapists healers and just interested readers.

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March 4, 2025

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