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Ground Bay Leaves All Natural by Its Delish 10 lbs

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Product Name
Ground Bay Leaves All Natural by Its Delish 10 lbs
Product Description

Ground Bay Leaves All Natural by Its Delish Bay Leaves by Its Delish Spice History: Originally from the Mediterranean bay leaves belong to the Laurel or Lauracease family. These aromatic leaves rich in lauric acid were used for many purposes. The spice grows widely in the European scrub wood lands and is cultivated in America Europe and Arabian countries. Health Benefits Used as flavoring in soups sausages fish meat and stew bay leaves possess aromatic flavorful and stimulant properties. The fresh spice the spice the more potent it is. With its woodsy flavor and slight bitterness bay leaf helps in balancing the flavors in a recipe. The herb dominates Mediterranean cuisine and has carved a niche for itself in the recipes all over the world. About It s Delish! It s Delish was established in 1992 and is located in North Hollywood California. It s Delish is a food manufacturer and distributor who produces over 500 gourmet food products including licorice sour belts taffies caramels Jordan almonds chocolates nuts fruits trail mixes spices and the spice blends. It s Delish also produces organics and all natural products. We give you the opportunity to order from the factory direct! Its Delish! prides itself on the four pillars that are at the foundation of everything we do. Innovation Quality Value Service

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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