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Where Your Treasure Is : Psalms that Summon You from Self to Community (Paperback)

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Where Your Treasure Is : Psalms that Summon You from Self to Community (Paperback)
Product Description

This is a bold book. It has to do with changing the life of American society from the inside out through source action of prayer. I have written a book for Christians says Eugene Peterson who want to do something about what is wrong with America and want to plunge into the center not tinker at the edge. I have chosen eleven psalms that shaped the politics of Israel and can shape the politics of America and I have taken them seriously...I have written to encourage Christians to pray them both as children of God with eternal destinies and as American citizens with daily responsibilities in caring for our nation. Peterson is concerned with the unselfing of our self-preoccupied self-bound society through the action of praying together with other believers. He offers insightful thought-provoking reflections on eleven select psalm-prayers that can help us overcome such things as self-centeredness self-assertiveness self-righteousness self-sufficiency self-pity self-service and self-love. Originally published under the title Earth and Altar and now being reprinted for wider distribution Where Your Treasure Is provides solid fare for any thoughtful concerned Christian. But the book is especially suitable for group study and discussion: what Peterson writes here will serve to stir small groups of Christians to pointed reflection and prayer-action.

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March 4, 2025

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